Blockchain App Factory – The Missing Chain between Two Blocks; Gaming & DApps
Let us begin with some fundamentals of DApps. DApps aka Decentralized Applications is crucial to the digital world along with being the future of the blockchain applications. Unlike centralized applications, DApps do not have a hierarchical structure. The decisions in the decentralized applications are made through a consensus mechanism. Essentially all the DApps must have the four following features : Open Source Distributed Ledger i.e. Blockchain Technology Crypto-tokens Proof of Work(POW) or Proof of Stake(POS) Recently, we have seen Cryptokitties hit a million unique virtual kitties and it is the demonstration of the extent to which blockchain technology has evolved. The intriguing part of the evolution of blockchain technology is the interaction between the crypto-assets with the gaming industry . The future of gaming DApps will usher an era of decentralized applications due to the autonomous nature making use of the distributed ledger ...